Professional Waterproofing Services in Hyderabad
We provide you every sort of service related to House Waterproofing. All the primary services are listed below and explained in details. For further information, please go through that.
Interior Waterproofing
Are you? Fed up with seepage or dampness on the lower portion of the walls. I can understand your anger. It happens because of moisture content on the lower portion of the walls...
Exterior Waterproofing
Use of inferior quality of sand grit and cement in construction of building, after a few years outer surface of wall gets damaged. When the dammed portion exposed to rain and UV rays, a variety of air cracks formed...
Rooftop Waterproofing
These days, we see water leakage from the roof in one out of three building in every society. Due to lack of dedication while construction, roof top leakage became a common issue...
- Nowadays, seepage from the roof, exterior walls and dampness on the walls of washrooms are a common problem faced in residential buildings and commercial buildings. To avoid this problem, Builders are using chemicals along with cement during construction. But it does not solve water leakage and dampness issue hundred percent because of negligence of Builder during construction of a building. We can solve this issue by doing waterproofing and damp roofing in our homes. Waterproofing Is the process applying a mixture of chemicals on the affected surface to make it water and humidity resistant.
- If you are also facing the water leakage or dampness issue in your home, book your slot for the guidance of our waterproofing Expert at your place. Marboker Home Service providers will give you the best professional waterproofing solution in Hyderabad
Types of waterproofing solution provided by Marboker
- Rooftop Waterproofing
- Waterproofing on exterior walls
- Waterproofing on the interior walls
- Water tank waterproofing
Rooftop Waterproofing-
These days, we see water leakage from the roof in one out of three building in every society. Due to lack of dedication while construction, roof top leakage became a common issue. It occurs because of hairline cracks on the roof, accumulation of water on the lower slope of the roof and leakage in the water pipes. For solving these issues permanently, at first we should identify the actual problem and then Don’t waste your time, leakage in tank may increase the damage which will directly impact the expenditure for your tank waterproofing. Marboker technologies provides you the Expert guidence on any type of tank leakage. We have team of best tank waterproofing solution. treatment can will be more effective.
If you are also facing water leakage problems on the roof, then book your slot and consult our waterproofing Expert.We provide the best professional waterproofing to give you permanent solution.
Waterproofing on the interior walls-
To cure it permanently, first we should measure the moisture content in the wall by moisture metre.If moisture content is less than 15%, it can be cured simply by doing damp roofing on the wall. When moisture content is 25%, we should use epoxy based cement solution like Dr.Fixit Pidifine 2k. But when moisture content reaches up to 40%, brick level waterproofing will be the best choice. If moisture content is moe than 40%, there must be leakage from the water pipe. Here, consult a good plumber first rather than approaching waterproofing Expert directly. In case there is no pipe leakage, air cracks on the exterior walls may be the actual reason of dampness, here you should go for waterproofing on the exterior wall for the permanent solution.
Waterproofing on exterior walls-
If you are also facing water leakage problems on the exterior walls and looking for the right guidance. Then book your slot by filling accurate details on form and submit it. Our waterproofing Expert will soon visit your place to guide you properly. We provide the best professional waterproofing to give you a permanent solution.
Water tank waterproofing-
If you are also facing the water leakage issue in your water tank. Book your slot for the guidance of our waterproofing Expert at your place. Marboker Home Service providers will give you the best professional waterproofing solution in Hyderabad.
Water tanks and reservoirs made of concrete needs waterproofing generally after 8-10 years after construction. If waterproofing has been done during construction then it may withstand the water pressure for longer period of time. Due to leakage in water tank or water reservoir in residential area lots of problem occur. It needs to be treated urgently otherwise it may increase the level of damage to your property hence increasing the overall expenditure of maintenance. While doing waterproofing surface is prepared carefully as per SOP like crack filling, removal of extra cement, removal of salt content, removal of other substrate. Thorough cleaning of grease residues, dust, loose materials, etc. from the surface. Loose particles should be cleaned from cavities and holes. Construction joints should be opened in a V-shape for filling. After surface preperation suitable waterproofing solution is applied.
Generaly Dampblock 2K, Dr fixit 2K Or Aquamat is used to treat the inner surface of tank for long life. The content Aquamat is added to water and stirred properly until a uniform slurry is formed which can be applied by brush easily. We can also use mixing machine for more uniform solution.
Aquamat is applied inside the reservoir, on the floor and walls, in 3-4 layers. As the depth of the reservoir increases number of layer to be applied increases. Each layer should be applied after the previous one has dried. In order to avoid cracking, each layer must be atleast 1.5 mm thick.
Don’t waste your time, leakage in tank may increase the damage which will directly impact the expenditure for your tank waterproofing. Marboker technologies provides you the Expert guidence on any type of tank leakage. We have team of best tank waterproofing solution.
Materials we use in waterproofing
- Fosroc Lokfix P Filler
- DR. FIXIT Roofseal Classic
- Supertene Membrane
- Dr.Fixit 301 SBR Latex Pidicrete URP
- Dr.Fixit Sure Seal Waterproofing
- Pidifin 2K waterproofing Membrane
Why choose us for waterproofing solution
- Our team comprises dedicated and highly skilled Waterproofing Expert
- Provide you with the best possible result to satisfy you with work in every manner.
- We maintain the topmost quality of work throughout the entire process till end.
- Our helpline team is active 24/7. you can contact us anytime on our helpline number.
- Guarantee of work completion within the time.
- We always offer you best Competitive Market Price.